International forum for innovative materials and products
Innovative materials are the basis for modern human-oriented production. At Techtextil Russia Forum the leading specialists from different countries and industries will tell about the best practices of implementation of such materials in different industries.
part 1 - New materials and technologies: smart fabrics, e-textile
20 Septemer 2022
Session moderator: Olga Moskaluk, head of the Center for Technology Transfer and FASHIONTECH competence of SPbGUPTD, curator of "smart" clothing projects of the North-West nanocenter of the RUSNANO group
11:00 - 11:10
Opening Statement
Olga Moskaluk, head of the Center for Technology Transfer and FASHIONTECH competence of SPbGUPTD, curator of "smart" clothing projects of the North-West nanocenter of the RUSNANO group
11:10 - 11:25
Anna Maximova, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
11:25 - 11:45
Russia-India. New opportunities for cooperation
Prashant Kumar, Deputy Head of Technical Textile Mission, Ministry of Textiles of India
11:45 - 12:05
Advantages for the production of garments on the territory of the Kaliningrad region. Industrial parks "Chernyakhovsk" and "Khrabrovo" - peculiarities of obtaining SEZ resident status, about free customs zone, logistics.
Denis Salii, Head of the Representation of the Government of the Kaliningrad Region to the Government of the Russian Federation
12:05 - 12:25
Market analysis of smart materials in the textile and light industry
Sergey Shevchenko, Deputy Director, Technology Transfer Center, LETI, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University
12:25 - 12:45
Innovative AMPERETEX heating fabrics. A new approach to the heating system
Pavel Pogrebnyakov, General Director of AMPERETEX
12:45 - 13:05
Application of nanotechnology in textile finishing processes
Natalya Dashchenko, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Deputy Head of the Department of Chemical Technology of Prof. A.A. Kharkharov for scientific work SPbGUPTD
13:05 - 13:25
"Smart clothes": the integration of science and fashion. Synthetic yarns with adjustable conductivity: from antistatic to conductors
Olga Moskaluk, head of the Center for Technology Transfer and FASHIONTECH competence at SPbGUPTD, curator of smart clothing projects at the Northwestern Nanocenter of the RUSNANO Group
Block 2 - 3D technologies for the light industry: digital clothing, virtual shows, digital representation of a fashion product
Session moderator: Polina Egarmin, head of the digital industrial design cluster "SmartDesign" SPbGUPTD
14.20 -14:40
Fashion Tech: How Technology is Changing the Light Industry, the Modern Fashion Industry, and Everyone's Life
Polina Egarmin, head of the digital industrial design cluster "SmartDesign" SPbSUPTD
14:40 - 15.00
Technology and brand development in the new realities
Alena Ristich, entrepreneur and founder of THE POBY brand
15:20 - 15:40
Technology - the driver of fashion development
Svetlana Lebedeva, marketing director of ORBY
15:40 - 16:00
Reengineering of light industry and fashion industry
Alexey Bazhenov, visionary and founder of the Beinopen platform
21 September 2022
Session moderator: Alexey Grebtsov, Chairman of the Russian Outdoor Group
Alexey Grebtsov, Chairman of the Russian Outdoor Group
Andrey Kutyurin, Commercial Director, TERMOTEX
Elena Lebedeva, Ph.D., Director of Innovations, Meridian JSC
Alexander Muravlev, General Director of Kolornil
Pavel Vinogradov, Commercial Director, Vyshnevolotsky Knitting Factory "Paris Commune" Ltd.
Saita Khosheva, Head of Strategy and Development at Mercury
Vladimir Bogdanov, CEO of BASK
15:00 – 15:40
Techniques for welding technical fabrics using hot air (NG-heated gas) and hot wedge.
Vadim Rudin, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, teacher at the Olmax UC
- Peculiarities of welding technical fabrics - Welding machine options and features - Welding process - Defining quality of welded joints