Kira Altman, a leading columnist of Business FM, and Vitaly Zharikov, Ph.D., Russian inventor, talked about Noah technology. Noah is a technology, a tool, a thread, a product, an ecosystem, aimed at improving the quality of human life. The project is divided into 3 generations.
Vitaly Zharikov and Sergey Lermontov, Ph.D., professor of the Institute of Physiologically Active Substances of RAS in Chernogolovka, discussed Noah1-2 functionality - clothing that protects from injuries, thermal risks and extreme temperatures using supercritical fluid - aerogel technology. Artem Lebedev, Ph.D., Senior Researcher at D.I. Mendeleev Russian Chemical Technology University, gave a more detailed presentation on aerogels in the development of the textile industry. Nikita Minaev, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, Head of Laser Nanotechnology Laboratory «Crystallography and Photography» RAS, gave the presentation on «Noah 3. Connection of the living with the non-living with the help of a string».
In addition to the developers of Noah technology, Alexey Grebtsov, Chair of the Russian Outdoor Group, spoke at the conference. Alexey discussed revolutionary solutions in the field of human safety and comfort in difficult and extreme conditions.